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Thursday, December 23, 2010

My journey. . .yesterday as I taught yoga a conflict arose. A student insisted that yoga is striving. I assured it it wasn't . It was about letting go of striving and creating space and stillness. To observe what already is.
I admitted I have had issues with striving, which is why I was so ready to jump in to this conflict and 'straighten' her out.
After class she compromised by saying it was 'effort' that she meant. We speak of effort and ease, yes. Effort is necessary.
Later in the evening she called to apologize again. Wanting no strain to arise between us. It was forgotten by then in me.
She always says,'Thanks for a good workout." and I let that go too. I am not sure I handled this situation very well. My ego jumped in to correct her notion. "in defense of yoga." But she was out of place, disrespectful probably, to insist on the last word, and not accept my statement.
Teacher says, 'Stick to teaching basic principles.'
I am sure yoga is not about striving. Namaste Cheron :-) twinkle

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