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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dan. Brought me to CEI

They are concerned about swirly lights in eyes called photopsiAs.  This is new in recent years but had them 7 years ago. I think it's the electrical firing which i experience at the peripheral.
Dr is concerned that these are signs of a retinal detatchment. He didn't find any sign of this despite his excellent examination and eye softening. Techniques.
I lay prone. He asked me to look left and inserted something firm into the socket to flatten  the round eye and this continued with anesthesia, up right down left for some time, both eyes.
I softened my eyes as yoginis do. The tears streamed from my eyes as i concentrated on breathing.
Doc suggested moisturizing eye drops which were quite soothing.
I cancelled my one client and went to bed. 


Are all to common. Not to Dwell on it. It came up at the appt. last Friday, that an emotional lows. 
I have rarely experienced headache pain. And my approach, if i am alone is to relax into them ; this is a new strategy since i did not have a 'policy'.
Dan wants them GONE, and practically takes them personally. He would like me to dose on tylenol advil or aspirin immediately. I know they interfere with my function and accept them as a time to relax into.
The doctor mentioned he nay reduce my 500mg dosage.
I think it's my decision.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A response

Hi Susan,

Unfortunately next Tuesdayis not available.  If it’s next week, then would either Wednesday or Friday work for you and Dan?



An email

Hi Susan,


I notified Dr. Pennesi of your recent photopsia event.  He would like you to come to Casey Eye to dilate your eyes and check your retina to see if there’s any ocular explanation for the photopsia symptoms you’ve been experiencing for the past 3 weeks.  I know you have a busy schedule, but would you be available this week to come in for Dr. Pennesi to exam your eyes?  


Sunday, December 26, 2010

A sweet long sit on a blustery morning, the day after Christmas.
A thought this morning upon awakening. . two resolutions. To dance on Friday and attend Mass on Saturday night.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My journey. . .yesterday as I taught yoga a conflict arose. A student insisted that yoga is striving. I assured it it wasn't . It was about letting go of striving and creating space and stillness. To observe what already is.
I admitted I have had issues with striving, which is why I was so ready to jump in to this conflict and 'straighten' her out.
After class she compromised by saying it was 'effort' that she meant. We speak of effort and ease, yes. Effort is necessary.
Later in the evening she called to apologize again. Wanting no strain to arise between us. It was forgotten by then in me.
She always says,'Thanks for a good workout." and I let that go too. I am not sure I handled this situation very well. My ego jumped in to correct her notion. "in defense of yoga." But she was out of place, disrespectful probably, to insist on the last word, and not accept my statement.
Teacher says, 'Stick to teaching basic principles.'
I am sure yoga is not about striving. Namaste Cheron :-) twinkle

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I am realizing that I still have abandonment issues.
Dan and I go to Juliano's to write our Christmas letter. He doesn't like this tradition, We use the template of my holiday script as a starting point. The truth is we have very different styles. I am effluent and descriptive about my life and we don't have much life together,
Yes, this home and our travels, Hawaii.
We can't seem to get one sentence down. I bemoan the fact that 'we' are doomed. We have nothing in common. And after the beer is gone (clue), all chances at a letter are gone too.
I imagine an evening at home as rejection. I am forgotten and no one wants to be with me. Dan doesn't come straight home from work and golfs on his days off, when I am here. This idea hurts. And I doubt his actions have anything to do with me,
Valerie cancels our time together. She cancels me seeing her. . .this seems backwards only I can cancel me.
Issues yes.
It doesn't take much for me to make this case.
And I realize this is the past. I will need to 'flip' this line of thinking.
Namaste sweet Suzy